Monday 10 January 2011

Before you read any further........

Dearest Numnuts,

Before you read anything I will ever post on this blog, you need to know some basic rules;

  • I may say something occasionally that will offend some people
  • I may contradict myself in the next paragraph in order to be absurd
  • I have this inside voice which, no matter how hard I try will come out occasionally (read regularly)
  • I like saying things that offend some people, but in fairness I try to insult everyone equally
  • I will deny having written anything in this blog that offends, as I have obviously been hacked
  • And finally, where possible, the names and places have been changed to protect the identity of stupid people. Of course, this is a pointless exercise as Stupid people have a way of identifying themselves without my help
Usually this blog would be best described as written by a rambling fool, and probably not the place to go for life coaching. Over time you will discover why I am a semi-qualified proctologist, what darcybarkers are, and why I talk to my dog and cats. There may be points of view on topical subjects, and anything sensible will have SERIOUS ALERT posted in the title.

There may be old stuff some of you have read before, probably not for a while so you have forgotten most of it like I have.

And, of course, you can comment on anything I have put here as I appreciate the time the reader has taken to do this, and I have seen how I can delete comments if I wish.

Finally, I address all Blog postings to Numnuts. Well, Philip Adams used to talk to Gladys on LNL, so my conversations will be addressed to Numnuts. As seen on Alias Smith and Jones, it will be an idiot who knows everything talking to an idiot who knows nothing.

'An' so I tell you for why'



  1. I may regret this, but I'm going to be your first follower. (Takes a big deep breath)...

  2. Dear DB,

    Don't you love those, word verification, words that come up when you try to post blog comments.

    I'd like to know your opinion on them. Perhaps that could be the subject of your next blog post? Or not.

    Should I put a breast plate over my rectum now, or would that be inappropriate at this stage in the game? Perhaps a breast plate would look a bit silly on my butt anyway...

